Longshan spring original pulp beer manufacturer will explain to you:
Completely untreated, is the best pulp, Qingdao's most famous local beer, than the plastic bags directly from the factory fermentation tank out of the pulp of the beer. Can be understood as no dilution, no filtration and no sterilization of industrial beer, in the industrial beer belongs to a high quality, shelf life is generally about 7-15 days, need refrigeration transportation. The alcohol content is about 4.5%vol-5.5% volol. Rub hair with beer besmear, can protect a hair not only, and still can promote the growth of the hair. Because beer contains a lot of nutrients, so our hair and head and even our face will have nutritional supplements. When using, wash hair first, wipe dry, reoccupy the 1/8 of whole bottle beer even ground is wiped on the hair, do a few hand massage to make beer permeates hair root. After 15 minutes, wash your hair with clean water. Comb your hair with a wooden comb or an ox horn comb. The effective nutrition composition in beer has good remedial effect to preventing a hair to dry fall off, still can make a hair bright. The word that holds to washing a hair with beer for a long time, can make the hair turns yellow slowly and hair qualitative can very soft colour and lustre is natural.
What are the advantages of washing your hair with beer?
Wash hair with beer not only make the hair dries fast, and make hair wave appears natural beautiful beautiful, make the hair grows, prevent a hair to drop off dry. Use beer to wash hair when necessary.
Beer shampoo, can treat scalp SAO urticant, scurf is overmuch, still can moist hair. Wet your hair with beer for 15 to 30 minutes and rub your scalp constantly. Rinse with warm water and rinse with regular shampoo. 1 to 2 times a day, four or five times can be used to remove dandruff, itching. The meeting after washing a hair with beer feels comfortable, the glossiness of the hair, softness, carding sex is very good also. Rub hair with beer besmear, can protect a hair not only, and still can promote the growth of the hair. When using, wash hair first, wipe dry, reoccupy the 1/8 of whole bottle beer even ground is wiped on the hair, do a few hand massage to make beer permeates hair root. After 15 minutes, wash your hair with clean water. Comb your hair with a wooden comb or an ox horn comb. The effective nutrition composition in beer has good remedial effect to preventing a hair to dry fall off, still can make a hair bright.
What is the disadvantage of beer shampoo?
Although beer shampoo is good, but use cut cannot too much frequent, because the alcohol in beer accumulates overmuch, can destroy hair hair to pledge.
How do I wash my hair with beer?
The method that washs hair with beer is: rinse the hair with heshe shampoo first, wipe dry, pour with 1/10 bottles of warm beer next on the hair and scalp, knead gently 10 minutes, rinse with clear water can. You can do the same thing over and over again. Beer shampoo use one beer and one regular shampoo. Pour the beer into a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat until the beer is 1/4 full. Add the commercially available shampoo, stir well and pour into a clean, empty container. Beer improves the texture of your hair and makes it shine. However, for a period of time, dandruff reduction, hair maintenance for a long time, alcohol effect, hair damage. This article comes from the Internet
Longshan spring raw beer